
The routines in this module can be used to load data from the Swarm mission.

Vector Field Magnetometer (VFM)

pyspedas.swarm.mag(trange=['2017-03-27/06:00', '2017-03-27/08:00'], probe='a', datatype='hr', level='l1b', suffix='', varnames=[], time_clip=False)[source]

Loads data from the Vector Field Magnetometer (VFM).

  • trange (list of str, default [``’2017-03-27/06:00’, ``'2017-03-27/08:00']) – Time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ or ‘YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss’.

  • probe (str or list of str, default 'a') – Swarm spacecraft ID (‘a’, ‘b’, and/or ‘c’).

  • datatype (str, default 'hr') – Data type; valid options: ‘hr’ (high resolution), ‘lr’ (low resolution).

  • level (str, default 'l1b') – Data level; options: ‘l1b’.

  • suffix (str, optional) – The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added.

  • varnames (list of str, optional) – List of variable names to load. If not specified, all data variables are loaded.

  • time_clip (bool, default False) – Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword.


out_vars – List of tplot variables created.

Return type:

list of str


To load and plot Magnetometer (MAG) data from the Swarm mission for probe ‘c’ over a specific time range, you can use the following commands:

>>> import pyspedas
>>> from pytplot import tplot

# Load MAG data for probe ‘c’ >>> mag_vars = pyspedas.swarm.mag(probe=’c’, trange=[‘2017-03-27/06:00’, ‘2017-03-27/08:00’], datatype=’hr’)

# Plot the loaded MAG data >>> tplot(‘swarmc_B_VFM’)


import pyspedas
from pytplot import tplot
mag_vars = pyspedas.swarm.mag(probe='c', trange=['2017-03-27/06:00', '2017-03-27/08:00'], datatype='hr')