Source code for pyspedas.akebono

from .load import load
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pytplot import store_data, options
from pytplot import time_double
from pyspedas.cotrans.xyz_to_polar import xyz_to_polar

[docs] def pws(trange=['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02'], datatype='ne', level='h1', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the ACE Plasma Waves and Sounder experiment (PWS) Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] Default: ['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02'] datatype: str Data type; Valid options: 'ne', 'npw-ds', 'npw-py', 'spw' Default: 'ne' level: str Data level; options: 'h1' (default: h1) Default: 'h1' suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. Default: '' get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". Default: False varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. Default: None varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) Default: [] downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables Default: False notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables Default: False no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache Default: False time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword Default: False Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. Example: ---------- >>> import pyspedas >>> from pytplot import tplot >>> pws_vars = pyspedas.akebono.pws(trange=['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02']) >>> tplot(['akb_pws_RX1', 'akb_pws_RX2']) """ tvars = load(instrument='pws', trange=trange, level=level, datatype=datatype, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update) if tvars is None or notplot or downloadonly: return tvars return pws_postprocessing(tvars)
def pws_postprocessing(variables): """ Placeholder for PWS post-processing """ return variables
[docs] def rdm(trange=['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02'], suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the ACE Radiation Moniter (RDM) Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] Default: ['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02'] suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. Default: '' get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". Default: False varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. Default: None varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) Default: [] downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables Default: False notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables Default: False no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache Default: False time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword Default: False Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. Example: ---------- >>> import pyspedas >>> from pytplot import tplot >>> rdm_vars = pyspedas.akebono.rdm(trange=['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02']) >>> tplot('akb_rdm_FEIO') """ files = load(instrument='rdm', trange=trange, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update) if files is None or notplot or downloadonly: return files return rdm_postprocessing(files)
def rdm_postprocessing(files): """ Load the RDM ASCII files into tplot variables """ data = load_csv_file(files) values = data.to_numpy() unix_times = time_double([ymd + '/' + hms for ymd, hms in zip(values[:, 0], values[:, 1])]) L = np.float64(values[:, 2]) INV = np.float64(values[:, 3]) FMLAT = np.float64(values[:, 4]) MLAT = np.float64(values[:, 5]) MLT = np.float64(values[:, 6]) ALT = np.float64(values[:, 7]) GLAT = np.float64(values[:, 8]) GLON = np.float64(values[:, 9]) RDM_E3 = np.float64(values[:, 10]) Energy = np.zeros(len(RDM_E3)) Energy[:] = 2.5 prefix_project = 'akb_' prefix_descriptor = 'rdm_' prefix = prefix_project + prefix_descriptor store_data(prefix_project+'L', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': L}) store_data(prefix_project+'INV', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': INV}) store_data(prefix_project+'FMLAT', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': FMLAT}) store_data(prefix_project+'MLAT', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': MLAT}) store_data(prefix_project+'MLT', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': MLT}) store_data(prefix_project+'ALT', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': ALT}) store_data(prefix_project+'GLAT', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': GLAT}) store_data(prefix_project+'GLON', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': GLON}) store_data(prefix+'FEIO', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': RDM_E3}) store_data(prefix+'FEIO_Energy', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': Energy}) options(prefix+'FEIO', 'spec', True) options(prefix_project+'L', 'ytitle', 'L-value') options(prefix_project+'INV', 'ytitle', 'Invariant Latitude [deg]') options(prefix_project+'FMLAT', 'ytitle', 'Footprint Latitude [deg]') options(prefix_project+'MLAT', 'ytitle', 'Magnetic Latitude [deg]') options(prefix_project+'MLT', 'ytitle', 'Magnetic Local Time [hour]') options(prefix_project+'ALT', 'ytitle', 'Altitude [km]') options(prefix_project+'GLAT', 'ytitle', 'Geographic Latitude [deg]') options(prefix_project+'GLON', 'ytitle', 'Geographic Longitude [deg]') options(prefix+'FEIO', 'ytitle', 'Omni-directional Integral Electron Flux') options(prefix+'FEIO', 'ysubtitle', '[/cm^22 sec str]') options(prefix+'FEIO_Energy', 'ytitle', 'Elctron energy [MeV]') return [prefix_project+'L', prefix_project+'INV', prefix_project+'FMLAT', prefix_project+'MLAT', prefix_project+'MLT', prefix_project+'ALT', prefix_project+'GLAT', prefix_project+'GLON', prefix+'FEIO', prefix+'FEIO_Energy']
[docs] def orb(trange=['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02'], suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the ACE Akebono orbit data (orb) Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] Default: ['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02'] suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. Default: '' get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". Default: False varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. Default: None varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) Default: [] downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables Default: False notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables Default: False no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache Default: False time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword Default: False Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. Example: ---------- >>> import pyspedas >>> from pytplot import tplot >>> orb_vars = pyspedas.akebono.orb(trange=['2012-10-01', '2012-10-02']) >>> tplot(['akb_orb_geo', 'akb_orb_MLT']) """ files = load(instrument='orb', trange=trange, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update) if files is None or notplot or downloadonly: return files return orb_postprocessing(files)
def orb_postprocessing(files): """ Load the orbit CSV files and create the tplot variables """ prefix_project = 'akb_' prefix_descriptor = 'orb_' prefix = prefix_project + prefix_descriptor cols = ['pass','ut', 'ksc_azm', 'ksc_elv', 'ksc_dis', 'ksc_ang', 'syo_azm', 'syo_elv', 'syo_dis', 'syo_ang', 'pra_azm', 'pra_elv', 'pra_dis', 'pra_ang', 'esr_azm', 'esr_elv', 'esr_dis', 'esr_ang', 'gclat','gclon', 'inv', 'fmlat', 'mlat', 'mlt', 'bmdl_x', 'bmdl_y', 'bmdl_z', 'xxlon_sc', 'xxlat_sc', 'aheight','lsun', 's_direc_x', 's_direc_y', 's_direc_z', 'sc_pos_x', 'sc_pos_y', 'sc_pos_z', 'sc_vel_x', 'sc_vel_y', 'sc_vel_z'] data = load_csv_file(files, cols=cols) values = data.to_numpy() unix_times = time_double([date[2:4] + '-' + date[4:6] + '-' + date[0:2] + '/' + date[6:8] + ':' + date[8:10] + ':' + date[10:12] for date in data['ut']]) km_in_re = 6374.4 xyz = np.array([[data['sc_pos_x']], [data['sc_pos_y']], [data['sc_pos_z']]]).transpose([2, 0, 1]).squeeze() xyz = np.float64(xyz) xyz_re = xyz/km_in_re r_theta_phi = xyz_to_polar(xyz) rr = r_theta_phi[:, 0] th = r_theta_phi[:, 1] ph = r_theta_phi[:, 2] store_data(prefix + 'geo', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': xyz_re}) store_data(prefix + 'gdlat', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': np.float64(data['gclat'])}) store_data(prefix + 'gdlon', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': np.float64(data['gclon'])}) store_data(prefix + 'inv', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': np.float64(data['inv'])}) store_data(prefix + 'fmlat', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': np.float64(data['fmlat'])}) store_data(prefix + 'MLT', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': np.float64(data['mlt'])}) store_data(prefix + 'gcalt', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': rr / km_in_re}) store_data(prefix + 'gclat', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': th}) store_data(prefix + 'gclon', data={'x': unix_times, 'y': ph}) options(prefix + 'geo', 'ytitle', 'GEO') options(prefix + 'geo', 'ysubtitle', '[Re]') options(prefix + 'gdlat', 'ytitle', 'Geodetic latitude of the magnetic footprint') options(prefix + 'gdlat', 'ysubtitle', '(120km altitude) [deg]') options(prefix + 'gdlon', 'ytitle', 'Geodetic longitude of the magnetic footprint') options(prefix + 'gdlon', 'ysubtitle', '(120km altitude) [deg]') options(prefix + 'inv', 'ytitle', 'Invariant Latitude of the magnetic footprint') options(prefix + 'inv', 'ysubtitle', '(120km altitude) [deg]') options(prefix + 'fmlat', 'ytitle', 'Geomagnetic Latitude of the magnetic footprint') options(prefix + 'fmlat', 'ysubtitle', '(120km altitude) [deg]') options(prefix + 'MLT', 'ytitle', 'Magnetic Local Time') options(prefix + 'MLT', 'ysubtitle', '[hours]') options(prefix + 'gcalt', 'ytitle', 'Geocentric Altitude') options(prefix + 'gcalt', 'ysubtitle', '[Re]') options(prefix + 'gclat', 'ytitle', 'Geocentric Latitude') options(prefix + 'gclat', 'ysubtitle', '[deg]') options(prefix + 'gclon', 'ytitle', 'Geocentric Longitude') options(prefix + 'gclon', 'ysubtitle', '[deg]') return [prefix + 'geo', prefix + 'gdlat', prefix + 'gdlon', prefix + 'inv', prefix + 'fmlat', prefix + 'MLT', prefix + 'gcalt', prefix + 'gclat', prefix + 'gclon'] def load_csv_file(filenames, cols=None): """ Loads a list of CSV/txt files into pandas data frames """ if not isinstance(filenames, list): filenames = [filenames] df = pd.concat((pd.read_csv(f, header=0, sep=r'\s+', dtype=str, names=cols) for f in filenames), ignore_index=True) return df