Source code for pyspedas.psp

from .load import load
from .filter import filter_fields

from pytplot import options, data_quants

# Loading
[docs] def fields(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], datatype='mag_rtn', level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False, username=None, password=None, last_version=False ): """ This function loads Parker Solar Probe FIELDS data Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] datatype: str Data type; Valid options include: 'mag_RTN' 'mag_RTN_1min' 'mag_rtn_4_per_cycle' (SPDF only) 'mag_RTN_4_Sa_per_Cyc' 'mag_SC' 'mag_SC_1min' 'mag_sc_4_per_cycle' (SPDF only) 'mag_SC_4_Sa_per_Cyc' 'mag_VSO' (limited dates) 'rfs_burst' (limited dates) 'rfs_hfr', 'rfs_lfr' 'f2_100bps' 'dfb_dc_spec' 'dfb_ac_spec' 'dfb_dc_xspec' 'dfb_ac_xspec' 'merged_scam_wf' 'sqtn_rfs_V1V2' suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, this flag is False but FIELDS support data is always loaded for datatypes where filtering on quality flags is supported. varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword username: str Username to use for authentication. If passed, attempt to download data from the FIELDS Instrument Team server instead of the fully public server at SPDF. Provides access to unpublished, V02 files. Implemented for dataypes: 'mag_RTN_1min' 'mag_RTN_4_Sa_per_Cyc' 'mag_SC' 'mag_SC_1min' 'mag_SC_4_Sa_per_Cyc' 'sqtn_rfs_V1V2' password: str Password to use for authentication last_version: bool If True, only download the highest-numbered file version Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. """ if suffix: suffix = '_' + suffix # SCaM and QTN data are Level 3 if datatype.lower() in ['merged_scam_wf', 'sqtn_rfs_v1v2']: level = 'l3' print("Using LEVEL=L3") spec_types = None if datatype in ['dfb_dc_spec', 'dfb_ac_spec', 'dfb_dc_xspec', 'dfb_ac_xspec']: if level == 'l1': spec_types = ['1', '2', '3', '4'] else: if datatype == 'dfb_dc_spec' or datatype == 'dfb_ac_spec': spec_types = ['dV12hg','dV34hg','dV12lg','dV34lg', 'SCMulfhg','SCMvlfhg','SCMwlfhg', 'SCMulflg','SCMvlflg','SCMwlflg', 'SCMdlfhg','SCMelfhg','SCMflfhg', 'SCMdlflg','SCMelflg','SCMflflg', 'SCMmf', 'V5hg'] else: spec_types = ['SCMdlfhg_SCMelfhg','SCMdlfhg_SCMflfhg','SCMelfhg_SCMflfhg', 'SCMulfhg_SCMvlfhg','SCMulfhg_SCMwlfhg','SCMvlfhg_SCMwlfhg', 'dV12hg_dV34hg'] loaded_vars = load( instrument='fields', trange=trange, datatype=datatype, spec_types=spec_types, level=level, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update, username=username, password=password,last_version=last_version ) if loaded_vars is None or notplot or downloadonly: return loaded_vars qf_root = 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'+suffix # If variables are loaded that quality flag filtering supports -- # Make sure the quality flag variable is also loaded and linked. mag_rtnvars = [x for x in loaded_vars if 'fld_l2_mag_RTN' in x ] mag_scvars = [x for x in loaded_vars if 'fld_l2_mag_SC' in x ] rfs_vars = [x for x in loaded_vars if 'rfs_lfr' in x or 'rfs_hfr' in x] if (len(mag_rtnvars + mag_scvars + rfs_vars) > 0) \ & ('psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'+suffix not in loaded_vars): loaded_extra = load( instrument='fields', trange=trange, datatype=datatype, spec_types=spec_types, level=level, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=True, varformat=varformat, varnames=['psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update, username=username, password=password,last_version=last_version ) qf_root = 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'+suffix if 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'+suffix in loaded_extra else None loaded_vars += loaded_extra for var in mag_rtnvars: options(var, 'legend_names', ['Br (RTN)', 'Bt (RTN)', 'Bn (RTN)']) data_quants[var] = data_quants[var].assign_attrs({'qf_root':qf_root}) for var in mag_scvars: options(var, 'legend_names', ['Bx', 'By', 'Bz']) data_quants[var] = data_quants[var].assign_attrs({'qf_root':qf_root}) for var in rfs_vars: data_quants[var] = data_quants[var].assign_attrs({'qf_root':qf_root}) return loaded_vars
[docs] def spc(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], datatype='l3i', level='l3', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False, username=None, password=None, last_version=False ): """ This function loads Parker Solar Probe Solar Probe Cup data Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] datatype: str Data type; Valid options include: 'l3i' (level='l3') 'l2i' (level='l2') suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword username: str Username to use for authentication. If passed, attempt to download data from the SWEAP Instrument Team server instead of the fully public server at SPDF. Provides access to unpublished files. password: str Password to use for authentication last_version: bool If True, only download the highest-numbered file version Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. """ if username == None: if datatype == 'l3i': level = 'l3' print("Using LEVEL=L3") elif datatype == 'l2i': level = 'l2' print("Using LEVEL=L2") else: if datatype == 'l3i': level = 'L3' print("Using LEVEL=L3 (unpublished)") elif datatype == 'l2i': level = 'L2' print("Using LEVEL=L2 (unpublished)") return load(instrument='spc', trange=trange, datatype=datatype, level=level, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update, username=username, password=password, last_version=last_version)
[docs] def spe(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], datatype='spa_sf1_32e', level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False, last_version=False ): """ This function loads Parker Solar Probe SWEAP/SPAN-e data Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] datatype: str Data type; Valid options include: spa_sf0_pad (L3) spb_sf0_pad (L3) spe_sf0_pad (L3) spa_sf1_32e (L2) spb_sf1_32e (L2) spa_sf0_16ax8dx32e (L2) spb_sf0_16ax8dx32e (L2) suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword last_version: bool If True, only download the highest-numbered file version Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. """ return load(instrument='spe', trange=trange, datatype=datatype, level=level, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update,last_version=last_version)
[docs] def spi(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], datatype='sf00_l3_mom', level='l3', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False, username=None, password=None, last_version=False ): """ This function loads Parker Solar Probe SWEAP/SPAN-i data Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] datatype: str Data type; Valid options Include: 'sf00_l3_mom': Moments of the Proton distribution function (RTN) 'sf0a_l3_mom': Moments of the Alpha distribution function (RTN) 'sf00_l3_mom_inst': Moments of the Proton distribution function (Instrument Frame) 'sf0a_l3_mom_inst': Moments of the Alpha distribution function (Instrument Frame) suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword username: str Username to use for authentication. If passed, attempt to download data from the SWEAP Instrument Team server instead of the fully public server at SPDF. Provides access to unpublished files. password: str Password to use for authentication last_version: bool If True, only download the highest-numbered file version Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. """ if datatype in ['sf00_l3_mom','sf0a_l3_mom','sf00_l3_mom_inst','sf0a_l3_mom_inst']: datatype = 'spi_' + datatype level = 'l3' print("Using LEVEL=L3") return load(instrument='spi', trange=trange, datatype=datatype, level=level, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update, username=username, password=password,last_version=last_version )
[docs] def epihi(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], datatype='let1_rates1h', level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False, last_version=False): """ This function loads Parker Solar Probe ISoIS/EPI-Hi data Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] datatype: str Data type; Valid options: suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword last_version: bool If True, only download the highest-numbered file version Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. """ return load(instrument='epihi', trange=trange, datatype=datatype, level=level, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update,last_version=last_version)
def epilo(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], datatype='pe', level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False, last_version=False): """ This function loads Parker Solar Probe ISoIS/EPI-Lo data Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] datatype: str Data type; Valid options: suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword last_version: bool If True, only download the highest-numbered file version Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. """ return load(instrument='epilo', trange=trange, datatype=datatype, level=level, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update,last_version=last_version)
[docs] def epi(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], datatype='summary', level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False, last_version=False): """ This function loads Parker Solar Probe ISoIS/EPI (merged summary) data Parameters ---------- trange : list of str time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] datatype: str Data type; Valid options: suffix: str The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. get_support_data: bool Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". varformat: str The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. varnames: list of str List of variable names to load (if not specified, all data variables are loaded) downloadonly: bool Set this flag to download the CDF files, but not load them into tplot variables notplot: bool Return the data in hash tables instead of creating tplot variables no_update: bool If set, only load data from your local cache time_clip: bool Time clip the variables to exactly the range specified in the trange keyword last_version: bool If True, only download the highest-numbered file version Returns ---------- List of tplot variables created. """ return load(instrument='epi', trange=trange, datatype=datatype, level=level, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, downloadonly=downloadonly, notplot=notplot, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update,last_version=last_version)